Thursday, July 16, 2009

Solving delta queue issues after system copy

Always make sure you empty ALL delta queues on ECC before doing a system copy. Stop the V3 jobs and run the infopackages. After system copy the queues between ECC-BW are not aligned anymore.

After a system copy or refresh of the R/3 source system, you may encounted dumps in your BI system when you want to initialize (logistic) data flows.

Mostly it occurs that in R/3 there are no activated delta queues, but in BI the Infopackages still contain the Init entry. The system dumps when you want to open the Infopackage, making it impossible to delete the Init entry there!
To solve this you have to run program RSSM_OLTP_INIT_DELTA_UPDATE in your BI system.
Fill in the fields. If you are sure, mark ALWAYS with X and execute the program.
After this action you can open your InfoPackage again and initialize the delta queue!

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